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Recollections From My Time in the Indian Service 1935-1943/
Maria Martinez Makes Pottery

Alfreda Ward Maloof

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Freda Maloof has written a small classic and brought a moment of history back to life. Beautifully and authentically illustrated, her Recollections of life in the Southwest and with Maria Martinez in the 1930s add an important note to our history.
Michael Ambrosino, Public Broadcasting Associates Inc.

  • Vintage Photographs.
  • Authentic pottery designs.
  • 70 pages. $13.00 (list price $15.00)
  • to comprehensive order page /Amazon links

A good job was hard to find in 1935. Thrilled at last to begin her depression-stalled teaching career, Freda stepped off the Pomona, California train platform and on to the eastbound train one February morning. Leaving a closeknit family life behind, her destination was Santa Domingo, New Mexico where she had been hired to teach second and third grades in the remote Indian Pueblo. Recollections, a biographical sketch of Alfreda Ward Maloof, recounts the unforgettable years she served in New Mexico and Montana.

Also included in this book, Maria Martinez Makes Pottery is the primer Alfreda created for her young students. This short story came out of her experience living and working with renowned Indian potter Maria Martinez of neighboring San Ildefonso Pueblo. But she never had the chance to use the primer in the classroom.

More than sixty years later, Alfreda collected her photographs and her memories to write the recollections of a dynamic period in her life. It was a time of independence and personal enrichment that left an imprint on her personality that she fond wore for the rest of her life. With Living Gold Press, Freda presented in this volume a glimpse of her treasured time and also, lovingly, the Maria Martinez primer. Alfreda passed away in the fall of 1999.

Indian Designs

David & Jean Villaseņor

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  • Authentic Southwest pottery and basketry designs.
  • 8.5" x 11" format.
  • 48 pages. $10.00 (list price $10.95)
  • to comprehensive order page /Amazon links
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Perfect for use in graphic design although originally published with needlework in mind.

Use these authentic Indian designs for quilting, applique, needlepoint,embroidery, fabric painting and countless other crafty projects.

Designs come from Pueblo, Hohokam, Apache and other Southwest traditions. Inspiration will spring easily from paging through this book.